
loud noise的意思

loud noise


  • 1.Almost immediately, neighbors began to talk about loud noise and a disturbing strobe light effect. . .


  • 2.Suddenly there was a loud noise, and everyone in the car was shocked as it felt as though they were being tossed into the air.


  • 3.A fart, which is the expulsion of gas from the anus, is often accompanied by a loud noise, a vibrating sensation, and an unpleasant odor.


  • 4.The little frog could not talk but he made a fearfully loud noise and scared the bat away.


  • 5.Local residents said they felt a tremor and heard a loud noise, and many fled from buildings thinking it was an earthquake.


  • 6.Daibote: "What was that loud noise? " Dogbert: "Apparently the Johnsons aren't home. "


  • 7.Males are also able to make a harsh loud noise by rubbing body parts together in a behaviour called stridulation.


  • 8.There was a strange, heavy, and yet not loud noise.


  • 9.Thanks. I'm sorry I can't go with you because I really don't like the loud noise and smoky air. I would rather stay home and relax.


  • 10.There was a loud noise when all the drivers left the cars , then they drove quickly to the starting line.



  • meliorative adj. 改善的
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  • en suite adj. 与卧室配套的 网络 套房;套房的;卫生间的
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